Partner with Us

This year, in an unprecedented response to an unprecedented moment in our world. We are going to be working with stairway church whitehorse’s for goodness sake initiative.

Please note: For those wishing to give into the For Goodness Sake initiative, please select For Goodness Sake (FGS) reference in Pushpay; or, If giving by Direct Transfer, please include FGS in description.



Hilltop Foundation has partnered with Pushpay to make processing payments simple.

You can make your payment via...

The Pushpay website or The Pushpay App.

Pushpay is simple, secure and fast.

To see how you can pay using Pushpay, please view this video


Hilltop Foundation Inc
BSB: 083-166
Account No: 04-854-6993

In the description please reference your Full Name and if you would like a receipt at end of financial year, email:

Donations $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia.
To partner with us financially, you can use the above options.